1. Vi,i is tensor notation for what?
2. What's wrong with this expression 0.5 * sigma_ij * epsilon_jj?
3. The dyadic product of two vectors produces what?
4. So-called infinitesimal strain definitions are not actually limited to small strains. What is their true limitation?
5. What nonlinear effect does the Green strain definition E = (F^T F - I)/2 account for?
6. What is a Strain Invariant actually invariant with respect to? (In other words, what can you do to a strain tensor that will not cause the invariant’s value to change?)
7. What effect prevents the principal stresses of a material from being proportional to the principal strains?
8. For a linear elastic isotropic material, when are the deviatoric stress and strain components proportional to each other?
9. What’s a WLF transform?
10. Give an example of a pair of stress and strain tensors that are energetically conjugate?
11. What does a polar decomposition accomplish for you?
12. Give an example of a tensor that is antisymmetric.
13. Is there anything in particular you want the course to cover?